The Wesley Academy exists to help graduates discern a call into ministry while gaining practical ministry experience.The Wesley Academy is an internship program designed for college graduates who wish to continue their training for ministry while being missionaries to the WTAMU campus.

What does God want you to do with your life?

Many university students want to help people. They may even be open to working in ministry. Some can see themselves as youth pastors or Bible study leaders, but not pastors of a church. The Wesley Academy is designed to give them hands-on, practical ministry experience to give them a window into what vocational ministry could look like.

Part 1: Campus Missionary

Those in the program are considered “mission staff” at the Wesley and raise funds as missionaries to work on campus. As staff, these missionaries disciple students, coach Fusion small group Bible studies, develop Resource teams, or launch new ministries that have not been created yet. They help plan retreats, set up and prepare Tupos Worship Services, and attend staff meetings.

Part 2: Church Placement

Academy Missionaries are paired with a local church where they serve part-time in: youth, worship, media, or children’s ministry depending on the church’s needs. This is how Academy Missionaries are able to get a window into what ministry looks like in a local church. Academy Missionaries serve on their staff, and many times, will be able to shadow people in that area of ministry to receive hands-on training.

Part 3: Training Module

Wednesday and Thursday mornings are spent in training modules. Think of this as the “core curriculum.” Local pastors and community leaders come in to train on a variety of topics needed for ministry. These modules include but are not limited to:

  • Missiology
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Administration
  • Leadership
  • Theology
  • Hermeneutics (Inductive Bible Study)

Why campus ministry?

When we think of “missions,” we tend to think about the work on foreign soil. However, there are thousands and thousands of unsaved students coming into the university every year. Not only that, but these students are at an extremely important stage of deciding who they are going to be. As an undergraduate, students make decisions that will impact their lives for decades. All of the past three Great Spiritual Awakenings originated from universities. This critical moment in a person’s life lies at the junction between where they have the most freedom, as well as the lowest amount of responsibility. These two factors create the best conditions for God to do big things in their lives.

Discover your calling as a Wesley Academy Missionary.

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