We need to pay attention to what we name ourselves…What labels we let others attach to us…What names we wear…
Fireside Chat with Mikey
We need to pay attention to what we name ourselves…What labels we let others attach to us…What names we wear…
So, my family and I watched the 2018 HBO version of “Fahrenheit 451” staring Michael B Jordan yesterday. Here’s the deal: If I didn’t know any better (how Hollywood works) I would have missed a huge ironic feature. The changing, editing, or rewriting of history…which is what the book is about.
Life is so much more about WALKING in WISDOM than about deciding between what is Good and what is Evil.
These are strange times that we are living in. Never in my life have I seen a “shelter in place” order in the United States, much less, one that seems to be sweeping around the world.
When it comes to receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it may seem like a lot of mysterious mumbo jumbo. There are a lot of mind traps that keep us from receiving this gift.
So last post we talked about the pattern and history of how the Holy Spirit fell throughout the Book of Acts. Now let’s see what it says in this book of Corinthians. First off, what we see is that this church was using these gifts on the regular. This was a part of their weekly (or more often) worship service. We’ll pick up in chapter 12.
Let me take you on a journey that took over a decade for me to understand. Where does it begin? How was it used throughout the early church?
You may be saying, “Ok Mikey, I’ve heard you talk about the big picture of mentoring and WHY someone should mentor, but HOW do we do it?”
Building a mentor structure is a lot like building a fire. The balance of oxygen to fuel and heat has to be managed.
“When an old man is dying, it is as if a whole library is burning.”
Phil 2:17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.
God whispers to a man named Abram in Genesis 12 and tells him to leave everything he’s ever known: his family, his family name, his race, his history…on the promise of a better future.
“You believe in a God who endorsed slavery? How can you follow that Book??!!!” said every atheist in any Facebook fight ever.
In high school a group of us who were believers from a variety of different churches set out to change the way things were among Christians in our rural town of 7,000. We noticed that we all loved Jesus. We longed to see other people come to Christ. We wondered why there was such division among the churches, and we thought we could fix th
Deuteronomy 25:11 “If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the secrets, 12 then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her.”
What I had done would hurt my wife Cari severely. Marriage does that sometimes. It’s sad really. The person you love the most, you have the power to hurt the worst. I had become someone I didn’t recognize.
Is it possible to lose your salvation? When it comes to this question we cannot forget that there is a word for it in the New Testament called APOSTASY.
What did you learn in Kenya?” my wife, Cari asked as we de-boarded the plane in Amarillo. A whole group of Wesley students with signs and fanfare greeted Beau Niewoehner, myself, and several people from St. Stephen UMC as we walked past the security line
“I’m a Christian already,” He stared at me as if I were the only one in the universe who didn’t understand the Bible. “You’re a Christian?” I said without thinking.
“You can’t solve 2,000 years of church trouble in one meeting, Mikey,” one minister said. His face turned red, slightly shaking. His pulse was up, eyes wide. Around the table were ministers from many other denominations. I was curious, so I asked the dreaded question, “Why?”
The number 1 question many people ask about dating is, “How far is too far ?” They are, of course, talking about how far they can go physically without it being sin. Many people have scratched their heads over this one, trying to find a good answer to help make a dam between people and sin.
The Wesley at WT is a strong community of college students who passionately desire to see Christ move in our lives, hearts, and on our campus. We worship together every Tuesday night at Tupos and we meet in Fusion small groups to intentionally invest in each other and grow in our faith.